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6 Ways to be Greener with your spring cleaning

As it is the beginning of spring and the windows and blinds begin to open up, you might notice that your house has accumulated much dust and dirt over the winter. Now is a perfect time to begin your spring cleaning. But besides using harsh chemicals that can harm not only the Earth, but yourself included, why not try a better, more environmentally friendly way of cleaning.

1. Clean with reusable wipes and scrubbers.

Cleaning doesn’t mean you have to have garbage’s full of paper towel and wipes. Try using old clothes or towel in replacement of the paper towel/wipes. Plus besides using lots of sponges, try a reusable scrub brush that can last you throughout the spring.

2. Use natural air fresheners.

Synthetic air fresheners can contain harmful chemicals like phthalates or formaldehyde. Besides using those type of air fresheners, try opening your windows and investing in real plants. According to NASA, some plants can actually remove a variety of those harmful chemicals that could be contaminating you home. Some of those plants are Gerbera Daisies, Bamboo Palm, Peace Lilies, Ficus, and more. Not only do they remove the chemicals but they smell good too!

3. Switch to Earth-friendly cleaning products.

Some of your clothing detergent may smell good, but they are full of harmful chemicals that end up in streams and rivers that are contaminating the Earth. Look for cleaning products that are plant-based and biodegradable.

4.Shine your furniture with all-natural polish.

Make a simple wood furniture dusting mixture with only lemon juice and olive oil. Simple and cheap!

5. Let those clothes hang.

As the weather is beginning to warm up, instead of putting your clothes in the dryer, hang them on a line outside. Line drying uses ZERO energy and you may even like the smell of sun-dried clothes.

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